


Mission Statement

Corridor in Senate House

Federal University Mission Statement

The University of London, as one of the leading universities in Europe, through its Colleges and central Institutes provides an unrivalled range of higher education opportunities of outstanding breadth and quality and engages in world-class research. The University is mindful of its historic and pioneering role in extending university education to those prevented at the time by their religion or their sex from gaining access to higher education, in offering educational opportunities to many who would not otherwise have been able to take university degrees, and in developing university institutions in the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

The University:

  • is committed to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in a research environment, which draws on many different traditions, practices and methods in a wide variety of institutions, offering unsurpassed opportunities to students from all countries who are able to benefit from its courses so that they attain the highest academic standards and develop to the most exacting intellectual level;
  • is dedicated to the prosecution of research across all fields of study at the highest international standards;
  • seeks to contribute to the public welfare in the work of its graduates and its staff and in the results of its research, enriching and advancing culture, education, the humanities and social sciences, the performing and creative arts, science, engineering, technology, medicine and public affairs;
  • by its significant presence in London seeks to make a major contribution to the economic, scientific and cultural life of the metropolis;
  • seeks to represent nationally and internationally the highest standards and enduring values of the university tradition, including academic freedom, intellectual integrity and equality.

Mission Statement of the University centrally

  • To support and assist the Colleges, their staff and students in their own missions;
  • To provide a range of services of benefit to the Colleges, their staff and students;
  • To maintain, through the Colleges collectively, the highest international standards of the University of London degrees and in the appointment of Professors and Readers;
  • To facilitate co-operation, collaboration and other mutually beneficial links among the Colleges and other parts of the federation;
  • To achieve the highest international standards in teaching and research in the academic activities centrally - the University of London Institute in Paris, the School of Advanced Study and the University Marine Biological Station;
  • To serve the academic communities of the federation, region, nation and beyond through the work of the School of Advanced Study and the University of London Research Library Services;
  • To represent and promote the views and interests of the Colleges and the federation and to articulate and reinforce - regionally, nationally and internationally - the particular kind of higher education to which the University and the Colleges are dedicated;
  • To make available, in conjunction with the Colleges, awards of the University of the highest academic standards throughout the UK and overseas through the External System; and
  • To manage its resources, including the estate, efficiently for the benefit of the federation.


Structure of the University

Senate House building 'in' sign on gate

The University of London is a federation of 19 self-governing Colleges of outstanding reputation, together with a number of acclaimed Central Academic Bodies and Activities. Teaching and research is carried out by the Colleges and Central Academic Bodies.

The Colleges contribute to the cost of the running of the University through the payment of an annual subscription. They are also able to subscribe to certain centrally-organised services such as the Senate House Library , The Careers Group  and the University of London Housing Services  according to their requirements.

There are currently 90,000 students studying at the University of London with a further 40,000 students studying by distance learning with the External System . To search for courses please use the Course Search facility.


Structure of the central University

The Vice-Chancellor is the principal officer of the University and is responsible to the Board of Trustees for the organisation and conduct of the business of the University.

The Vice-Chancellor heads the management structure  [PDF 1pg, 32KB] of the University.

The Central Academic Bodies of the University are:

School of Advanced Study 
University of London Institute in Paris 
University Marine Biological Station at Millport 
External System 
The London Deanery  

Services offered to current students are: 

Intercollegiate Halls of Residence 
The Careers Group, University of London  
University of London Housing Services 
University of London Research Library Services 
University of London Students' Union (ULU) 

The University also includes administrative departments which support the Colleges, as well as the Central Academic Bodies and Activities, in their individual academic missions and cover academic quality, finance, human resources, governance support, estate administration and IT services including the University of London Computer Centre .










Whatever you want to study, the University of London’s Colleges and Institutes offer virtually every subject covered in any university curriculum. Each College is responsible for its own admissions and enquiries about any of the courses must be made to them.


If you want to find out which of the Colleges and Institutes offer the course you want to study, visit our Course Search facility.





Birkbeck, University of London 
The Central School of Speech and Drama 
Courtauld Institute of Art 
Goldsmiths, University of London 
Heythrop College
The Institute of Cancer Research
Institute of Education
King’s College London
London Business School
London School of Economics and Political Science
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Queen Mary, University of London
Royal Academy of Music
Royal Holloway, University of London 
The Royal Veterinary College
St George’s, University of London
The School of Oriental and African Studies
The School of Pharmacy



Distance Learning:


External System 


School of Advanced Study :

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies 
Institute of Classical Studies 
Institute of Commonwealth Studies 
Institute of English Studies 
Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies 
Institute of Historical Research 
Institute of Musical Research 
Institute of Philosophy 
Institute for the Study of the Americas 
Warburg Institute 

University of London Institute in Paris 
University Marine Biological Station, Millport 

Related Information:

The University of London publishes a Guide to the Colleges and Institutes which provides a description of the Colleges, the School of Advanced Study and the External System.  The Guide also includes information about other University of London services and activities.

If you would like to be posted a copy of the Guide to the Colleges and Institutes please write to enquiries  with your full postal address.




Links to Other Sites

University of London is a federal University and is one of the oldest, largest and most diverse universities in the UK