What's New




Through its Colleges and Institutes, the University of London offers over 3700 courses each year covering almost every subject found in any university curriculum.

You can search for these courses in two ways. The search results will show a link to the homepage of the College or Institution offering the course. In some cases, a course link is also given.

Each College is responsible for its own admissions and enquiries about any of the courses must be made with them.



2010 courses

    * Architecture and Landscape10
    * Art and Design11
    * Business12
    * Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences13
    * Computing14
    * Drama, Dance, Film, TV and Music15
    * Economics16
    * Education17
    * Engineering18
    * Environment19
    * Geography/Geographical Information Systems20
    * Geology and Earth Sciences21
    * Health and Social Care Sciences22
    * History, Human Rights and Politics23
    * Humanities24
    * Journalism, Media and Communication25
    * Law26
    * Life Sciences27
    * Management28
    * Mathematics and Statistics29
    * Psychology, Criminology and Sociology30
    * Sports Sciences31
    * Surveying and Planning




2010 courses

    * Architecture and Landscape10
    * Art and Design11
    * Business12
    * Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences13
    * Computing14
    * Drama, Dance, Film, TV and Music15
    * Economics16
    * Education17
    * Engineering18
    * Environment19
    * Geography/Geographical Information Systems20
    * Geology and Earth Sciences21
    * Health and Social Care Sciences22
    * History, Human Rights and Politics23
    * Humanities24
    * Journalism, Media and Communication25
    * Law26
    * Life Sciences27
    * Management28
    * Mathematics and Statistics29
    * Psychology, Criminology and Sociology30
    * Sports Sciences31
    * Surveying and Planning



Postgraduate Study


students walking past entrance to Senate House

The University of London is a federal University comprising 19 Colleges and a number of acclaimed central academic Institutes and activities.  Students are registered at the College or Institute offering their chosen course of study.  Most full-time taught Masters degrees begin in September/October and are one year in duration.

You can search for your course of interest by using the course facility. The search results will provide you with the relevant College website, allowing you to use its site to obtain information about the course, entrance requirements and how to make an application. Contact details are given on each College's website. 

The University of London’s specialised facilities for postgraduate education and research attract students from all over the world and there are particular advantages for postgraduate students in London with its unsurpassed range of national archives, libraries, museums and art galleries, learned societies and research institutes.


It is also possible to study towards a postgraduate qualification at a distance, through the University of London's colleges



The University of London is proud of its reputation for excellence in research. The academic community of the University of London pursues and achieves excellence in a wide range of research activities and scholarship.


The majority of the academic staff are actively engaged in their own research, and students are taught by experienced and motivated researchers who stand at the leading edge of their subjects.


Many of our Colleges and Institutes have achieved the highest rankings in the Research Assessment Excercise and are consistently in the top research rankings of UK Universities. In addition the 'critical mass' in many subject areas makes London one of the world centres for research.